Will Quam – Brick of Chicago
Will Quam is a local writer who has an appreciation of Chicago masonry. He comments that there is inherent beauty in every building material, but as materials go, brick is by far the most expressive and unique. All bricks are made of fired clay, but clays from different locations and geological conditions can make for […]
A Chicago Artist talks about Brick
[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Chicago artist Will Quam of Andersonville says he sees more than just another brick in the wall; he sees the tale of the city’s past. “Chicago’s common bricks were made from the clay in the Chicago River,” said Quam. “In 1871, you couldn’t build with wood, so brick and stone became the stuff the […]
Ceramic Glazed Clay Units add Color to Architectural Design
[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Color is good. Using color as a form of expression is like being an artist at a craft. If given an opportunity to build a new colorful construction project, ceramic glazed clay brick units and ceramic glazed clay tiles are a great way to create design elements, display team colors and logos, and even […]